Technologicalization – 0.2
In our last infographic, we spoke about people-centric technology trends that are needed to watch in 2020. Let's discuss the smart space technology trends to watch in 2020. These trends are going to bring a brand new era of autonomous operations to the technology world. By 2025, major government and large -enterprise contracts for the purchase of digital products and services using AI will require the use of expandable and ethical AI.
Empowered Edge, brings data storage and computation closer, and it's being fueled by the rapid evolution of IoT. By 2028, there will be a steady increase in the embedding of sensory storage, compute, and advanced AI capabilities in edge devices. Empowered Edge ameliorates the response times and saves bandwidth, and brings the data, analytics, AU, communication and digital twin of the things(DTO) at the Edge. Within 2 years the global edge computing market is expected to reach $6.72 Billion and the number of IoT devices is expected to reach 30 billion devices by the end of 2021.
Distributed Cloud, leads to a new era in cloud computing, solves technical issues like latency; potential regulatory challenges like data sovereignty, and centralized cloud model challenges, also benefit public, private, and local clouds. By 2022, 70% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the traditional, centralized data center/cloud - an increase from the less than 10% generated today.
Autonomous Things operates along a spectrum of autonomy from semi-autonomous to fully autonomous, as it shares a lot of the core underlying technologies, and automation is on its way to being streamlined with the guidance of data capture and analytics. It combines autonomous capabilities and human control; a few examples are robots, swarm drones, autonomous shipping, advanced agriculture, safer automobile transportation, autonomous vehicles/ships, and appliances.
Practical Blockchain an , extended reality and quantum computing and mainly focus on how blockchain can be leveraged in practical enterprise use cases that are expanding over the next three to five years. Blockchain has the potential to reshape the industry by enabling trust, providing transparency, and enabling value exchange across business ecosystems. Practical Blockchain removes business and technical frictions, reduces transaction settlement time, enables distributed trust architecture, lowers costs, and improves cash flow. In the future, we will be seeing blockchain-based voting, self-sovereign digital identity, cryptocurrency payments, and remittance.
AI Security deals with the reality of securing the AI-powered systems that are behind the people-centric trends. Specialists say that by the end of 2021, 70% of organizations will be exposed to personal data archiving, which is a 60% growth since 2018, when the number was at 10%. This trend enhances security defense by anticipating the nefarious use of AI by attackers and leverages more AI-powered systems. It's been anticipated that by 2022, 30% of all AI cyberattacks would leverage training data poising, AI model theft, or adversarial samples to attack AI-powered systems, and enhancing AI-security will put a stop to these.
These are the trends that IT cannot afford to ignore as these are going to be the foundation for how you build people-centric, smart spaces, and deliver business value.